Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Museum of Fine Art Kunsthistorisches Museum Essay Example For Students
Exhibition hall of Fine Art: Kunsthistorisches Museum Essay The Museum of Fine Arts building is situated at Wiener Reintegrates, at the contrary side of the Undernourishment Museum. The inside of the Constructionists Museum, marked by Karl non Hastener, is dynamite, with huge marble sections, fantastic flights of stairs and sculptures. The tremendous assortment of the historical center was amassed by the Hapsburg rulers, and subsequently is an impression of their own preferences. The Gemlike, the assortment of works of art, is one of the biggest on the planet and ranges a time from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. Particularly very much spoke to are Flemish craftsmen. Dutch, Italian (fundamentally Venetian) and Spanish specialists are likewise all around spoke to. The historical center additionally has an astounding assortment Of German works of art from specialists, for example, Albrecht Udder and Hans Holing the Younger. Theres something other than compositions in the Constructionists Museum however. On the ground floor are Roman and Greek relics; here youll locate an enormous number of sculptures and busts from Roman heads just as Greek jars and sculptures. One of the exhibition halls most significant articles, the Ceiling Salt Cellar mold by Benevolent Ceiling, was taken on May 11, 2003 and recuperated on January 21, 2006, in a crate covered in a timberland close to the town of Sweetly, Austria, It had been the greatest workmanship burglary in Austrian history One tooth best occasions to visit the Constructionists Museum is Thursday, when you can appreciate a luxurious gourmet supper (?39) in the vault rotunda.. This gallery is the historical center for you in the event that you like to appreciate various sorts of craftsmanship over various zones of time, I love Egyptian workmanship and this gallery does an intensive and excellent display on Egyptian bits of craftsmanship. In the event that you don't communicate in German I can't suggest the audiogram enough at G every me and my accomplice shared winding up getting much increasingly out of the shows as the entirety of the little signs with data are in German. The audiogram Vass simple to utilize, unmistakable and intriguing.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace
Basics of Effective Communication in the Workplace Natalie Manuel Professor Thomas Whenever Intro to Business August 3, 2014 There are a couple of times where I encountered powerful correspondence in a business situation. Once specifically, I accept everybody showed conveying successfully. At work there is a ton of bedlam on occasion on the grounds that there aren't numerous plans or rules set up for clients in regards to specific parts of the business. My collaborator and I chose to make a couple of archives that can be .NET to the client in certain situations.I work for GE oil and gas and we manage clients who may require/need to restore their blower for some reasons. We made an ARM approval return structure to keep everything composed. The structure was point by point and gave all the data the client needs just as the significant data we would need to process the arrival. Alongside this structure, we made a standard request agenda. A great deal of times we get client Pop's that ha s missing data, mistaken evaluating, incorrectly trade data or off base seller data, among other things.We made an archive that was intended to be disseminated to all the wholesalers and Memo's. The records were sent to all the agents for audit. Quickly we were met with issues from them. This is the place the correspondence came in. We set-up for there to be a phone call with us and the salesman. When we had the option to have the gathering, all inquiries and concerns were put on the table. Having an open discourse is significant in business and throughout everyday life. With this telephone call, we had the option to alter a portion of the announcements on the comments.As well as take a few things off. When that was finished, we had the option to send these structures out to the clients. Starting there on the impact it had on the business was an expansion profitability. There were less Pop send backs to clients for revisions. That satisfied the clients to such an extent! Satisfying the clients is consistently the objective, they help the business develop. The vast majority of the clients truly valued the assistance that the structures gave them. Without the telephone call, none of this would have been possible.It could have been anything but difficult to take the salesman issues and disregard them. I find in business a great deal that individuals and their thoughts are overlooked. It just purposes strain and doubt. We comprehended that none of this was close to home. Everybody had an incredible enthusiasm for seeing the business develop. Working things out, downplays misconceptions. On the off chance that I needed to do it once more, I wouldn't modify anything. Viable correspondence ought to be the objective for all organizations. â€Å"Effective correspondence in the working environment enables representatives and administrators to frame exceptionally proficient groups. Essentials of Effective Communication in the Workplace Essentials of Effective Communication in the Workplace Natalie Manuel Professor Thomas Whenever Intro to Business August 3, 2014 There are a couple of times where I encountered powerful correspondence in a business domain. Once specifically, I accept everybody exhibited conveying viably. At work there is a ton of turmoil on occasion in light of the fact that there aren't numerous plans or rules set up for clients with respect to specific parts of the business. My associate and I chose to make a couple of records that can be .NET to the client in certain situations.I work for GE oil and gas and we manage clients who may require/need to restore their blower for some reasons. We made an ARM approval return structure to keep everything sorted out. The structure was exceptionally nitty gritty and given all the data the client needs just as the significant data we would need to process the arrival. Alongside this structure, we made a standard request agenda. A great deal of times we get cl ient Pop's that has missing data, off base evaluating, incorrectly trade data or mistaken merchant data, among other things.We made a report that was intended to be dispersed to all the wholesalers and Memo's. The records were sent to all the salesmen for survey. Quickly we were met with issues from them. This is the place the correspondence came in. We set-up for there to be a phone call with us and the salesperson. When we had the option to have the gathering, all inquiries and concerns were put on the table. Having an open exchange is significant in business and throughout everyday life. With this phone call, we had the option to alter a portion of the announcements on the comments.As well as take a few things off. When that was finished, we had the option to send these structures out to the clients. Starting there on the impact it had on the business was an expansion efficiency. There were less Pop send backs to clients for remedies. That satisfied the clients to such an extent! Satisfying the clients is consistently the objective, they help the business develop. The greater part of the clients truly valued the assistance that the structures gave them. Without the phone call, none of this would have been possible.It could have been anything but difficult to take the agent issues and overlook them. I find in business a ton that individuals and their thoughts are disregarded. It just aims pressure and doubt. We comprehended that none of this was close to home. Everybody had an incredible enthusiasm for seeing the business develop. Working things out, downplays false impressions. In the event that I needed to do it once more, I wouldn't modify anything. Powerful correspondence ought to be the objective for all organizations. â€Å"Effective correspondence in the work environment enables representatives and chiefs to shape profoundly productive groups.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
How to Spot a Dangerous Man Book Review
How to Spot a Dangerous Man Book Review Relationships Violence and Abuse Print How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved Book Review By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Updated on May 30, 2019 georgeclerk / Getty Images More in Relationships Violence and Abuse Spouses & Partners LGBTQ How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved by Sandra L. Brown describes eight types of dangerous men, explores why some women are attracted to dangerous men, gives red flags and red alerts for each, and includes stories of successes and failures. This book is intended for all women who have a history of bad relationships and want to regain control of their lives. A Clash of Biases Something just didnt feel right about the way this useful information was presented. Sandra Browns bias is that so-called dangerous men are so fundamentally flawed that there is no point in getting involved with these men, or staying with them if you are already in a relationship, because they will never, ever stop being dangerous, or stop using you to meet their own needs. You might find that your bias is the oppositeâ€"that you believe everyone is capable of change and that relationships take work and commitment. However, if a man has been physically or sexually violent to you or your children, you should get as far away from him as possible, immediately. As a reader, you will have to make up your own mind about whether you believe the man you are potentially interested in is dangerous and worth the risks that are laid out in this book. The Eight Types of Dangerous Man Dangerous men, defined as pathological and personality disordered, are presented as eight different types, some of which may overlap in the same man. In particular, the addict overlaps with all of the other types. Brown identifies the eight types of dangerous men as: The Permanent Clingerâ€"Needy, self-identified victims whose chief danger is sucking the life out of you.The Parental Seekerâ€"Immature men who want you to look after them.The Emotionally Unavailable Manâ€"Men who are already committed to another partner and wont commit to you.The Man With the Hidden Lifeâ€"Men who are hiding secrets that should be disclosed to a partner, such as children, disease, a criminal past, or an addiction.The Mentally Ill Manâ€"A man at any level of functioning who has a mental illness.The Addictâ€"This catch-all category includes any man who has any kind of addiction, including alcohol and drugs, sex, gambling, food, and a number of other behaviors, including work.The Abusive or Violent Manâ€"Men who are abusive in any way, including emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.The Emotional Predatorâ€"Men who seek out and torment vulnerable women, including psychopaths. Why These Categories Can Be Misleading This stereotyping of men is stigmatizing and thus harmful. Many people go through difficulties which could be identified in these categories, but that doesnt put them on a par with criminals and psychopaths. Many people with addictions and mental health problems have loving relationships with their partners and families, and many people with and without addictions go through these struggles in their lives without being dangerous. Dangerous Men Defined too Broadly There are certainly many dangerous men out there, especially in the world of addictions. This book is focused on spotting potentially dangerous romantic partners, but drug dealers and pimps can also be particularly exploitative of women who are involved in the world of illicit drugs and sex work, and it makes sense if you are involved in this world to stay informed and prevent yourself from getting hurt. But most of the men discussed in this book are not as obviously dangerous as drug dealers and pimps. And this is where it all gets a bit tricky. The premise of the book is to spot a dangerous man before getting involved, which makes the whole idea of people being innocent until proven guilty impossible. Certainly, once a man has behaved in a way that shows a lack of respect, you have something to evaluate, but much of Browns advice focuses on following your innate intuition, which basically seems to mean any sense of discomfort. Weaknesses in the Arguments Browns perspective is based on many years of working with abused women, so she has seen some of the worst situations that have arisen from women getting close to dangerous men. But to warn women about staying away from potential rapists or murderers is excessively alarmist, and as she points out, these men make a lot of effort to be charming and appear normal, so were not convinced that many women could sense whether the man she has met is one of these small minority of men. Incidentally, there have also been some well-documented cases of women, child, and teen psychopaths, so dangerous people arent all men. What Women Need to Focus On Brown does identify some important red flags that may indicate that the man you are with is potentially harmful to you, and the relationship may not be a positive force in your life, such as: You wish he would go away, you want to cry, or you want to run.You dread his phone call.You feel bad about yourself when youre around him. However, some of the items on the same list are feelings that can occur in regular relationships, and may not indicate that your partner or potential partner is pathological, such as: You feel uncomfortable about something he has said or done, and the feeling remains.Your past and his are very different, and the two of you have conflicts over it.You think hes too charming or a little too good to be true. And still more seem to be indications that the woman actually has a problem she needs to take responsibility for, which may be nothing to do with the man, such as: You tell friends youre unsure about the relationship.You feel isolated from other relationships with friends and family.You think youre the only one who can help/love/understand him. Overall Thoughts Overall, there is some really useful information in this book for women who are involved with abusive men, people of both genders who are involved in the drug or sex industries, or who are interested in meeting a potential partner. But having a fulfilling relationship isnt just about meeting the right non-dangerous manâ€"?it also requires you to reflect on your own weaknesses and to overcome your own issues. And you wont find guidance on how to do that in How to Spot a Dangerous Man.? Disclosure: A review copy was provided by the publisher.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Causes Of The Civil War - 1740 Words
The Civil War was not an event that erupted overnight or something that no one had seen coming. It was a result of long stemming conflicts. â€Å"The road to civil war was complex and multi-faceted†(Wells, 1). These conflicts kept creating a divide amongst the states in the nation. The divide finally became so great, that the United States split into the Confederacy (South) and the Union (North), and fighting erupted. â€Å" â€Å"The Civil War,†Randall Jimerson observes, â€Å"became a total war involving the entire population precisely because both sides fought for ideological principles. Compromise and surrender were unthinkable when so much was at stake.††(Finseth, 16). The root of the cause for the divide was slavery, but there were many other factors†¦show more content†¦This argument was based off of the fact that the word slavery was never mentioned in the Constitution, therefore they did not feel that the federal government had a say i n any matter. â€Å"Without employing the word â€Å"slavery†, the constitution†¦clearly endorsed the institution†(Wells, 10). They felt that it should be left up to the state to decide. By the terms slavery or slave(s), not being mentioned in the Constitution, the Constitution was seemingly trying to protect slavery and its slave holders. It also appeared to show that slavery was a domestic institution that was only to be controlled by the states, and that Congress and the federal government had no control in the matter. This issue on States’ rights created a division between the North and the South on the states’ right to own slaves. A second issue that arose and caused a big division in the nation was a result of the economy. The northern states operated off a total different form of economy than the southern states did. The North’s economy was built off industry, particularly the textile mills. â€Å"There was no place like it, either in terms of economic organization or urban development, in the South†(Gienapp, 4). While the South’s economy was built off farming. The south needed slaves to help tend the crops specifically the cotton, and with the invention of the cotton gin, the need for slaves greatly expanded.Show MoreRelatedCauses of the Civil War951 Words  | 4 PagesCAUSE OF THE CIVIL WAR In 1860, the world s greatest nation was locked in Civil War. The war divided the country between the North and South. There were many factors that caused this war, but the main ones were the different interpretations of the Constitution by the North and South, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the arrival of Lincoln in office. These factors were very crucial in the bringing upon of the destruction of the Union. They caused immediate war. In 1791, the tenth amendment wasRead MoreThe Causes Of The Civil War1016 Words  | 5 Pages In 1861, a Civil War broke out in the United States when the South declared their independence from the Union. There is a great amount of reasons that people can argue how the Civil War was started. However, what most people don’t understand, is that most of the events leading up to the Civil War were related to slavery. Slavery was the core of the North and South’s conflict, which led to a very vicious feud. The immediate cause of the war was slavery. Southern states, including the 11 statesRead MoreThe Causes Of The Civil War1409 Words  | 6 PagesThe causes of the Civil War were complex and have been controversial since the country began. Some causes include; states’ rights, economics, and slavery. The most recognizable and popular cause is slavery. 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The Mexican War is proof that the issue of slavery was put on hold by President James K. PolkRead MoreCause of the Civil War1296 Words  | 6 PagesHistory 11 12/17/2006 The root causes and precipitating events that led to the Civil War (1861-1865) The Civil War between northern and southern states was a consequence of contradictions of two social systems inside the country. At the basis of these contradictions was a question of slavery, completely determining economic and political interests of South. North strived to enforce Federal government power to protect their own economic stability. As a result the South wanted a separationRead MoreCauses of the Civil War1489 Words  | 6 PagesThe Causes Of The Civil War The Political War The North and South fought over politics, mainly the idea of slavery. Basically the South wanted and needed it and the North did not want it at all. The South was going to do anything they could to keep it. This was the issue that overshadowed all others. At this time the labor force in the South had about 4 million slaves. These slaves were very valuable to the slaveholding planter class. They were a huge investment to Southerners and if taken awayRead MoreThe Causes Of Civil War2004 Words  | 9 PagesGà ¶ksel What are the causes of Civil War? Do ethnic determinants play an important role? Why are certain parts of Africa characterized by ethnic conflict while other parts remain relatively calm? The conventional understanding on the causes of civil war especially within African countries, to a considerable degree, has being predominantly characterized to draw its root on ethnic divergences. However, such premise appear extremely difficult to be true, owing to the fact that civil war is a complex actionRead MoreThe Cause Of The Civil War Essay1940 Words  | 8 PagesKelah Lehart Mr. Henkel American History I October 14, 2016 The Causes of the Civil War The American Civil War divided the nation because there were tensions between the North, non-slavery states, and the South that focused on the expansion of slavery. The South believed that Abraham Lincoln planned to eliminate slavery which would destroy the growth of cotton. Eleven southern states then seceded from the Union, and became known as the Confederate States of America. When Abraham Lincoln was elected
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Psy midterm paper - 1429 Words
Midterm Essay ExaminationMidterm Essay Examination1.Describe the basic functioning of a neuron beginning with receiving signals from other neurons or sense organs and ending with the transmission of a signal to another neuron. Explain how a pattern of neuron firing is related to behavior. Neurons are information- processing units in the central nervous system that receive and transmit information. It is made up of an axon, dendrites and a cell body. The nucleus and cytoplasm are contained in the cell body. The axon starts from the cell body, dividing into smaller branches and then ends at the nerve terminals. The dendrites also branch from the cell body, receiving information from the other neurons. Axons from other neurons forms†¦show more content†¦A few samples of openness would be a rich vocabulary, clear creative energy, utilization of dark words, etc. Openness persons are required to be exceptionally expressive and innovative. I figure it isnt that vital as a hereditary quality. Natures turf additionally influences on it. 3.You have been hired by a large public school system to construct a musical aptitude test. Describe how you would standardize your test and assess its reliability and validity. Explain why it might be more difficult to develop a valid musical aptitude test than a reliable one. It is difficult to develop a valid musical aptitude test because most of the time, the measures of the aptitude are misunderstood and demands that are unrealistic, made on them. Validity should be seen as construct validity. The problem sources are in two groups. The first group uses composite validity criteria. This forms the assumption that they are not dimensional. The second one uses subject groups. The groups do not represent the distribution of the construct in whole. In order to maximize the ecological validity, composite measures must be used as the criteria for validity. Legitimacy is likewise harder to acquire as a rule the individuals that have been concentrated on dont speak to the populace by and large. The music variables scope of the population concentrated on is less or more limited. The musical fitness of the gathering is not a representation of the entire group. This is explainedShow MoreRelatedPsy 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 – Adjustment Case Study – New Updated Work1210 Words  | 5 PagesPSY 100 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 – ADJUSTMENT CASE STUDY – NEW UPDATED WORK To purchase this Click here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/psy-100-week-8-assignment-2-adjustment-case-study-new-updated-work/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM PSY 100 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 - ADJUSTMENT CASE STUDY - NEW UPDATED WORK Write a three to six (3-6) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize the two (2) articles you selected from the NPR Website. 2. Describe the major adjustment issues discussed inRead MoreQuestions On A Psychological Test949 Words  | 4 PagesPSY 550 Midterm Megan Adams Short Answers The 25 questions below are worth 3 points each. 1. During World War II the U. S. Office of Strategic Services ( OSS), a predecessor to today’s Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA), used a variety of procedures and measurement tools psychological tests among them in selecting military personnel for highly specialized positions involving espionage, intelligence gathering, and the like. Why aren’t these methods used today? 2. What is a psychological testRead MoreForeign Language : A Longitudinal Study2008 Words  | 9 PagesSarah Gross PSY 254 / Professor Lew-Williams P012/ Clarice Robenalt Mindset Intervention Improves Adolescent Academic Achievement in Foreign Language: A Longitudinal Study I pledge my honor that this paper represents my own work in accordance with the University regulations. [Sarah Hirschfeld Gross] Introduction: The transition to adolescence can often be one of the most difficult periods in a person’s life. It is not only a period of rapid physical growth and change, but it isRead MoreThe Diverse Social Self And Self Verification1331 Words  | 6 PagesReaction Paper: The Diverse Social Self and Self-Verification and Self-Enhancement (PSY 138) Understanding the foundation of the social self, premise of self-verification and self-enhancement are crucial to the development and framework of the human psyche. This response paper will analyze the basic social self, the way humans perceive their own image and the importance of self-verification and self-enhancement (Swann et al., 1989). Once people have a good understanding of the different aspects
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(85) " over two wide parts in the western and eastern Pacific and taking their difference\." The chief purpose of the present survey is to look into further into the association between entire ozone ( TOZ ) and 11-year solar rhythm ( SC ) , during the period 1979 – 2010 by using satellite observations of TOZ and impulse flux ( MF ) . A positive correlativity between the one-year mean entire ozone ( TOZ ) over both hemispheres and macula figure ( SN ) is found. On the contrary, concentrating on the January and February mean monthly TOZ fluctuations from the equator to the high latitudes, of the Northern Hemisphere no association between TOZ and SN is derived. We will write a custom essay sample on Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is attributed to the being of the quasi-biennial-oscillation ( QBO ) and the El Ni A ; ntilde ; o-Southern oscillation ( ENSO ) in TOZ clip series, . However, when sing TOZ over the zonary agencies centred at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and 27.5 A ; deg ; N and SN during the old ages of the east stage of QBO in the equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa, a important correlativity between TOZ and SN reveals. These findings are of important importance because solar radiation is a major driving force of the clime system. 1. Introduction Several surveies have shown that fluctuations in the 11-year solar irradiance and subsequent UV soaking up by ozone cause alterations in temperature and air current in the upper stratosphere ( Crooks and Gray, 2005 ; Alexandris et Al. 1999 ; Kondratyev and Varotsos 1996 ; Katsambas et Al. 1997 ) . These comparatively weak direct alterations could change the upward extension of planetary-scale moving ridges and lead to an indirect feedback on the lower ambiance through a alteration of the stratospheric mean circulation – Brewer- Dobson circulation ( Gernandt et al. 1995 ; Kodera and Kuroda, 2002 ; Tzanis and Varotsos, 2008 ; Cracknell and Varotsos 1994, 1995 ; Efstathiou et al. , 2003 ; Gernandt et al. , 1995 ; Varotsos, 2002, 2005 ; Varotsos et Al. 1994 ; Varotsos 1989, 2004 ) Matthes et Al. ( 2010 ) indicated that the one-year mean solar response in temperature and ozone in the upper stratosphere is in qualitative understanding with other mold and experimental surveies and does non depend on the presence of the imposed quasi-biennial oscillation ( QBO ) of equatorial air current. However, the solar response in the center to take down stratosphere differs significantly for the two QBO stages. During solar maxima a weaker Brewer-Dobson circulation with comparative downwelling, warming, and enhanced ozone occurs in the tropical lower stratosphere during QBO east conditions, while a stronger circulation, chilling, and decreased ozone exists during QBO west conditions. During QBO east, the combination of production and advection resulted in the net ozone addition, whereas during QBO west, the effects cancel each other and consequence in small net ozone alterations. Matthes et Al. ( 2010 ) showed besides that during Southern Hemisphere ( SH ) tardily winter to early spring, the solar response at polar latitudes switches mark between the two QBO stages and qualitatively confirms observations and other recent theoretical account surveies. Lu et Al. ( 2009 ) proposed some penetrations on the QBO modulated 11-year solar rhythm signals in Northern Hemisphere ( NH ) winter temperature and zonary air current. They used day-to-day ERA-40 Reanalysis and ECMWF Operational information for the period of 1958-2006 in order to analyze the seasonal development of the QBO-solar rhythm relationship at assorted force per unit area degrees up to the stratopause. The consequences showed that the solar signals in the NH winter extratropics are so QBO-phase dependant, traveling poleward and downward as winter progresses with a faster descent rate under westerly QBO than under eastern QBO. In the stratosphere, the signals seemed to be extremely important in late January to early March and have a life span of ?30-50 yearss. Under western QBO, the stratospheric solar signals clearly lead and connected to those in the troposphere in late March and early April where they have a life span of ?10 yearss. Sitnov ( 2009 ) utilizing entire ozone informations obtained in the period of 1957 – 2007 at 10 ground-based European Stationss, investigated the effects of the QBO and 11-year solar rhythm, attesting in entire column ozone. In this work, it was derived that solar activity modulates the stage of the QBO consequence so that the quasi-biennial entire ozone signals during solar upper limit and solar lower limit are about in opposite stage. It was besides demonstrated that stray under lasting conditions of solar lower limit or solar upper limit the QBO effects in entire ozone have the clip graduated table of about 20 months. Titova and Karol ( 2010 ) holding applied the method of discriminant analysis to the TOMS informations of satellite sounding of the entire ozone content ( TOC ) in the March months of 1979-2008, attempted to do a new estimation of the TOC field variableness in the Northern Hemisphere and inter-longitudinal regularities of its alterations under the action of climatic variableness. The effects of temperature fluctuations in the polar stratosphere, El Ni A ; ntilde ; o -Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) and QBO seemed to be comparable and make 80 DU in some parts. Titova and Karol ( 2010 ) besides proposed that the parts of TOC fluctuations and their location and dimensions change depending on the stages of QBO, AO, and ENSO. Three parts of increased TOC-over Europe, Eastern Siberia, and the Pacific Ocean-are formed in old ages with a warm stratosphere. A counterbalancing TOC lessening takes topographic point in the Torrid Zones and over Greenland. In the old ages of El Ni A ; ntilde ; O and the eastern QBO stage, the TOC increases over Europe and drops over the cardinal Pacific, every bit good as to the South from 45 A ; deg ; N. Ziemke et Al. ( 2010 ) established an ENSO index utilizing column ozone informations measured in tropical latitudes from Nimbus 7 TOMS, Earth Probe TOMS, NOAA SBUV, and Aura OMI orbiter instruments. This index, which covered a clip period from 1979 to the present, was defined as the Ozone ENSO Index ( OEI ) and it was the first developed from atmospheric hint gas measurings. OEI was constructed by first averaging monthly average column ozone over two wide parts in the western and eastern Pacific and taking their difference. You read "Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" The combined Aura OMI and MLS ozone informations confirmed that zonary variableness in entire column ozone in the Torrid Zones caused by ENSO events lies about wholly in the troposphere. As a consequence, OEI can be derived straight from entire column ozone alternatively of tropospheric column ozone. For clear-sky ozone measurements a +1 K alteration in Nino 3. 4 index corresponds to +2.9DU ( Dobson Unit ) alteration in OEI, while a +1 hPa alteration in Southern Oscillation index coincides with a ?1.7DU alteration in the OEI. For ozone measurings under all cloud conditions these Numberss are +2.4DU and ?1.4DU, severally. Soukharev ( 1997 ) analyzing the monthly agencies of entire ozone, in months January to March between 1973 – 1995 on five Stationss in Northeastern Europe, indicated statistically important correlativities between the fluctuations of entire ozone in February and, partly, in March, and the SN during the different stages of QBO. Similar correspondence was established between the index of stratospheric circulation and SN sing the QBO stage. Based on the obtained correlativities between the interannual fluctuations of ozone and stratospheric circulation index, Soukharev concluded that a connexion between solar rhythm – QBO – ozone occurs through the kineticss of stratospheric circulation. Varotsos ( 1989 ) analyzing the planetary TOZ, during the period 1958-1984, suggested that there was non any apparent connexion between TOZ and 10.7 centimeter solar flux ( F10.7 ) . However, when the informations were separated harmonizing to the E or west stage of QBO in the equatorial stratosphere, it was derived that entire ozone was positively correlated ( anticorrelated ) with the solar rhythm, during the West ( east ) stage of QBO. The chief purpose of this work is to research farther the association between TOZ and solar activity, from the equator to the high latitudes in both Hemispheres over the last three solar rhythms. 2. Datas and analysis QBO informations used in the present paper were calculated at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory-Physical Science Division ( NOAA/ESRL-PSD ) from the zonary norm of the 30mb zonary air current at the equator. Those informations were computed from the NCEP/NCAR Additionally, the average monthly macula Numberss ( SN ) derived from the datasets of the National Geophysical Data Center ( NGDC ) , during the period January 1749 – October 2009, were employed. TOZ informations set, was obtained from Nimbus-7, Meteor-3, and Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer ( TOMS ) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument ( OMI ) , covering the period 1979-2010 ( with measuring spreads for several months of the old ages 1994, 1995 and 1996 ) . Momentum Flux ( MF ) measurings between 45 A ; deg ; N and 75 A ; deg ; N, through 1979 – 2010, obtained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center, were besides used. Finally, Ozone ENSO index ( OEI ) measurings obtained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 613.3 Chemistry and Dynamics Branch, in the Torrid Zones during 1979 – 2010, were employed ( Ziemke et al. , 2010 ) . All clip series presented in this survey were normalized ( the long-run mean subtracted and so devided by the standard divergence ) and detrended. 3. Discussion and Consequences Several surveies argued that when the solar UV radiation is stronger, more ozone via the photolysis of O2 would be formed in the upper stratosphere, so that the maximal ozone degree would happen at the maximal solar activity. Very late, Haigh et Al. ( 2010 ) have noticed that during the worsening stage of the most recent ’11-year ‘ solar rhythm ( occurred during 2002-2009 ) there was a four to six times larger diminution in UV than would hold been predicted on the footing of our old apprehension. Haigh et Al. ( 2010 ) suggested that this decrease was partly compensated in the entire solar end product by an addition in radiation at seeable wavelengths. More unusually, they have besides showed that these spectral alterations appear to hold led to a important diminution from 2004 to 2007 in stratospheric ozone below an height of 45 kilometers, with an addition above this height. Therefore, it is interesting to re-visit the probe of the influence of the solar activity to the column ozone variableness on a planetary and hemispheric footing. 3.1. The entire ozone and solar rhythm on a planetary and hemispheric footing Along the lines above the 11-year solar rhythm and the TOZ one-year average fluctuations over the Earth, the NH and the SH, during the last solar rhythms are shown in Figure cubic decimeter ( a ) , ( B ) , ( degree Celsius ) , severally. Inspection of Figure 1 shows that an evident solar rhythm is outstanding in the TOZ information. To quantify this association the correlativity coefficients were calculated and derived statistically important ( at 95 % assurance degree ) by utilizing the non-parametric Spearman method. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 1. Annual average TOZ and macula figure ( as a placeholder for the 11-year solar rhythm ) over ( a ) the Earth, ( B ) the northern hemisphere, ( degree Celsius ) the southern hemisphere, during 1979 – 2010. TOZ and SN clip series have been normalized and detrended. This in-phase March of TOZ and solar activity is non surprising and it is rather consistent with the current apprehension about the solar forcing in TOZ kineticss. Harmonizing to this, the upper stratospheric ozone response ( 2-3 % between solar lower limit and solar upper limit ) is a direct radiative consequence of warming and photochemistry. The lower stratospheric solar rhythm in tropical ozone appears to be caused indirectly through a dynamical response to solar ultraviolet fluctuations. However, the beginning of such a dynamical response to the solar rhythm is non to the full understood ( WMO 2010 ) . 3.2. The entire ozone on the wintertime Northern Hemisphere and solar rhythm To acquire a better apprehension of the afore-mentioned dynamical TOZ response, the probe of the plausible relationship between TOZ and solar activity would be performed at the wintertime government of the ambiance. Of class, during winter months, the solar rhythm signal is weak compared to big atmospheric fluctuations and the signal is hence more hard to pull out ( Labitzke and new wave Loon, 1988 ) . In an effort to farther research this job, the fluctuations of the average TOZ over the NH during January/February and the corresponding SN values during the period 1979 – 2010 are plotted in Figure 2 ( a ) . a ) B ) Figure 2. ( a ) ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN over the northern hemisphere, during 1979 – 2010. ( B ) The running correlativities ( Rhode Island ) for twelvemonth I between the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa and the average TOZ for January and February. TOZ and SN clip series have been normalized and detrended. The decision drawn from Figure 1 ( a ) is that a quasi-periodic constituent ( 2- 4 year ) in the Northern Hemispheric TOZ clip series reduces unusually the above mentioned correlativity between TOZ and SN fluctuations. To look into whether this taint of the association of the TOZ and SN fluctuations by the QBO is a map of the solar activity the method of running correlativities was employed ( Kodera ( 1993 ) . The consequences obtained are shown in Figure 2 ( B ) where the running correlativities ( Rhode Island ) for twelvemonth I between the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa and the average TOZ for January and February do non demo an 11-y signal ( figure 2b ) . Therefore, the above-said taint by the QBO of equatorial air current, is independent of the solar rhythm, upseting any evident association between TOZ and SN. 3.3. The latitudinal dependance of the association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern Hemisphere Next, the probe of the possible association between the TOZ and SN is explored as a map of latitude. In this respect, Haigh ( 1994 ) have reported that due to the seasonality, the stratospheric ozone alterations due to solar flux fluctuation are largest at center to high latitudes in the winter hemisphere. Figure 3 ( a-f ) present the January / February mean TOZ and SN from the equator to the high latitudes, during 1979 – 2010. All these figures do non demo any evident correlativity between TOZ and solar activity, due to the taint by the quasi-periodic oscillations ( QBO and ENSO ) in the TOZ clip series. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) vitamin E ) vitamin D ) degree Fahrenheit ) Figure 3. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at ( a ) 7.5 A ; deg ; N, ( B ) 17.5 A ; deg ; N, ( degree Celsius ) 27.5 A ; deg ; N, ( vitamin D ) 37.5 A ; deg ; N, ( vitamin E ) 47.5 A ; deg ; N, ( degree Fahrenheit ) 57.5 A ; deg ; N, during 1979 – 2010. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. However, the solar response in the winter entire ozone at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and 27.5 A ; deg ; N seemed to differ significantly under the two QBO stages. Other surveies have besides identified solar influences on the strength and extent of the Walker circulation, that is a cell circulation in the zonal and perpendicular waies in the tropical troposphere caused by differences in heat distribution between ocean and land. Meehl et Al. ( 2008 ) and vanLoon et Al. ( 2007 ) showed a strengthening of the Walker circulation, at peak old ages of the 11-year solar rhythm, It should be reminded that when the Walker cell weakens or contraries, an El Ni A ; ntilde ; o consequences, and when Walker cell becomes strong causes a La Ni A ; ntilde ; a. 3.4. The association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern tropics ; the function of the QBO and ENSO In the followers, the January and February mean TOZ and SN informations were grouped harmonizing to the QBO stages of the equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa and were plotted against the OEI at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and 27.5 A ; deg ; N ( figure 4a-d ) . During the west stage of QBO, a statistically important anticorrelation between TOZ and OEI clip series is evident, ensuing in a quasi periodic constituent that coincides with ENSO ( Ziemke et al. 2010 ) and causes no correlativity between TOZ and SN. On the other manus, during the east stage of QBO, TOZ clip series exhibits the 11-year signal. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) vitamin D ) Figure 4. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at 17.5 A ; deg ; N during ( a ) the west stage of QBO and ( B ) the east stage of QBO. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at 27.5 A ; deg ; N during ( degree Celsius ) the west stage of QBO and ( vitamin D ) the east stage of QBO. The dotted lines present the OEI through 1979 – 2010 in the West and east stages of QBO. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. In the undermentioned, figure 5 ( a ) presents the February mean TOZ and SN at 17.5 A ; deg ; N, during 1979-2010, while figures 5 ( B ) , ( degree Celsius ) show the February TOZ and macula figure when the informations were grouped in the West and east stage of QBO, severally. Inspection of these figures shows an evident correlativity between TOZ and the 11-year solar rhythm, during QBO east ( statistically important correlativity at 95 % assurance degree ) . The ENSO constituent is noticeable one time more in the TOZ clip series when the informations were grouped in the west stage of QBO and is anticorrelated with OEI ( figure 5 ( B ) ) . B ) a ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 5. February average TOZ and SN at 17.5 A ; deg ; N, through 1979-2010 ( a ) independently of the QBO stages, ( B ) for the western stages of QBO and ( degree Celsius ) for the eastern stages of QBO. The thin line with the symbol ten, in ( a ) , corresponds to the smoothened clip series of the February mean TOZ. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. a ) B ) Figure 6. ( a ) February mean TOZ at 17.5 A ; deg ; N against equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa, ( B ) temporal development of QBO upper limit and lower limit, during 1979 – 2010. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. To analyze farther the part of the QBO in the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa to the association between the February TOZ at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and OEI the figure 6 ( a ) is shown.. Figure 6a shows the statistically important anticorrelation between OEI and TOZ, but no any association of TOZ with QBO. The latter can likely be explained by the fact that TOZ exhibits OEI and it is modulated by the temporal development of QBO upper limit and lower limit. To give an penetration to it Figure 6 ( B ) depicts the temporal development of the difference between consecutive QBO upper limit and [ ( soap ( i+1 ) – soap ( I ) ] and the temporal development of the difference between consecutive QBO lower limit [ min ( i+1 ) – min ( I ) ] for twelvemonth ( I ) . Both the differences in the consecutive upper limit and the differences in the consecutive lower limit of QBO demonstrate the ENSO signal. 3.5. The association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern high latitudes ; the function of the QBO and ENSO Finally, in order to research the function of the atmospheric kineticss to the relationship between the TOZ and solar rhythm the interannual variableness of the February mean impulse flux ( MF ) between 45 A ; deg ; N and 75 A ; deg ; N at 50hPa, during 1979 – 2010 was studied. , . Figure 7 ( a ) depicts the clip series of MF and SN for February, while figures 7b, degree Celsius show the impulse flux and macula figure when the informations were grouped harmonizing to the QBO stage. Harmonizing to Figure 1 ( degree Celsius ) , during the old ages of the east stage of QBO an evident anticorrelation between MF and the 11-year solar rhythm is observed. A plausible account is the fact that in winter months, the polar whirl is sensitive to equatorial air current. In this context, Salby and Callaghan ( 2000 ) have found that alterations in the polar-night whirl are consistent with the solar signature observed in wintertime records of polar temperature that have been stratified harm onizing to the QBO of equatorial air current. B ) a ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 7. February average MF and SN between 45 A ; deg ; N and 75 A ; deg ; N, through 1979-2010 ( a ) independently of the QBO stages, ( B ) for the western stages of QBO and ( degree Celsius ) for the eastern stages of QBO. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. Another decision drawn from Figure 7 is that the increased dynamical variableness occurs during the west stage of the equatorial QBO and the winter whirl is significantly weakened during solar upper limit and western stage of the quasi-biennial oscillation. 4. Decisions In this survey, a statistically important correlativity was derived between the one-year mean TOZ and SN over the Earth, the northern and the southern hemisphere, through 1979 – 2010. The evident 11-year signals in TOZ were obtained without any grouping of ozone informations harmonizing to the QBO stages of equatorial air current. Furthermore, sing the January and February mean TOZ and SN over the NH, an obvious quasi-periodic constituent was seen in the TOZ clip series, cut downing perceptibly the above mentioned correlativity between TOZ and 11-year solar rhythm. No evident correlativity was besides derived analyzing the January and February mean TOZ and SN from the equator to the high latitudes, due to the quasi-periodic constituent in the TOZ clip series, caused likely by the quasi-periodic oscillations. Concentrating on the January and February mean TOZ and SN at 17.5 A ; deg ; N and 27.5 A ; deg ; N, TOZ clip series revealed an 11-year signal during the eastern QBO stages and an ENSO signal during the western QBO stages. The correlativity between TOZ and the 11-year solar rhythm, in the east stage of QBO becomes higher for February. Finally, analyzing the February mean MF between 45 A ; deg ; N and 75 A ; deg ; N at 50hPa, during 1979 – 2010, eastern stages of QBO seemed to do an obvious anticorrelation between MF and the 11-year solar rhythm. How to cite Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Disneys Success free essay sample
A corporate powerhouse Name: Tang Chen Xi Matriculation number: A0070708H Tutorial Group: W1 (Monday 12 ~ 1pm) Tutor: MS Anuradha Rao Preface Walter Elias Disney was an accomplished genius of the 19th, 20th century and is responsible for establishing one of the largest media and entertainment corporations in the world: The Walt Disney Company. The Walt Disney Company generates some US$40 billion in annual revenue (â€Å"Disney CEO,†2011) effortlessly; theme parks like Disneyland and DisneySea draw visitors by the millions every and merchandise are available everywhere. Nevertheless, as this consumerist culture becomes even more prominent in the 21st century, cultural production of Disney products has definitely changed and Disney increasingly finds the need to adapt to different situations and accommodate to the on-going process of globalization. How Disney manages to become a successful multi-media conglomerate is of particular interest to me. Disney is also notoriously known for promoting the capitalist system and this is worth researching especially in a globalizing age where cultural products have the capacity to permeate transnational borders. We will write a custom essay sample on Disneys Success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Sunday, March 22, 2020
An Ethical Analysis of Animal Rights
Table of Contents Abstract Introduction An Ethical Analysis of Animal Rights Animal Rights Advocacy Discussion Conclusion References Abstract This paper reviews the issue of animal rights from an ethical perspective. It begins by noting that this issue has gained prominence with advocates asking for animals to be given greater rights. The paper explains the human exceptionalism perspective, which gives humans a higher moral status due to their sophisticated cognitive abilities.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on An Ethical Analysis of Animal Rights specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper uses a number of ethical theories including utilitarianism, Kantian theory, and virtue ethics to demonstrate that animal rights can be denied on ethical grounds. It then highlights some of the arguments given by animal rights advocates and shows their shortcomings. The paper concludes by reasserting that animals cannot b e given equal rights to human beings as long as human beings are expected to live a rich and fulfilling life. Introduction The relationship between humans and animals has historically been characterized by humankind adopting a superior position and exploiting animals for his own good. This historical view of animals as creatures with no rights of moral status has been challenged aggressively in the recent past. A number of arguments concerning the status of animals have emerged over the decades. These arguments revolve around the issue of whether animals should or should not be given rights in the same way that humans have rights. The contemporary animal rights movement has gained significant support over the past two decades. Members of these movements advocate for animals to be granted rights, which would limit the manner in which they are used. On the other hand, animal rights opponents assert that human beings are the only creatures who deserve rights due to their higher moral s tatus. This paper will set out perform a critique of the animal rights arguments with the human exceptionalism perspective in mind. It will then make use of a number of ethical theories including utilitarianism and Kantian theory to demonstrate that animals do not deserve similar rights to humans. An Ethical Analysis of Animal Rights The issue of animal rights has slowly emerged as a controversial topic in need of ethical consideration. Using a number of ethical theories, this issue can be analyzed in order to determine if animals deserve rights as the proponents of animal rights assert. A major perspective used to deny animal rights is human exceptionalism.Advertising Looking for term paper on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to the human exceptionalism perspective, human beings differ psychologically from other animals and because of these differences; human beings have a special status. Human beings have mo re sophisticated cognitive abilities giving them a higher moral status than that of the other animals. Beauchamp and Frey (2011) acknowledge that while animals have a capacity to think, the reasoning capacity of humans is superior to that of animals. In addition to this, human beings have a moral status that is fundamentally different to that of other animals. Human exceptionalism declares that human beings stand uniquely at the top of moral worth. Phelps (2013) admits that the fight for animal rights will be hard to win since priority is given to the needs of human beings. A number of ethical theories support the supremacy of human beings as underscored by human exceptionalism perspective. Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative theory can be used to address the issue of animal rights. According to this theory, for a creature to be afforded rights, it has to be able to act as a moral agent. Acting as a moral agent means carrying out the right action in spite of the impulses o f the person/creature at the moment (Scott, 2010). According to Kant’s theory, the ethical action is the one that follows the rules at all times regardless of the consequences of the action. This action is guided by pre-defined rules and regulations. From a Kantian perspective, a creature is afforded a moral status if it can follow rules at all times. Animals lack the ability to follow rules since they are driven by desires and often act on impulse. Unlike human beings, who can suppress their desires and choose the right action, animals are compelled by their desires. Due to this lack of ability to act as moral agents, animals cannot be granted autonomy since they do not have a moral status. Utilitarianism looks at the sum satisfaction of all beings instead of looking at the interests of a single being. For the utilitarian, the ethical action is the one that causes maximum benefit for the highest number of people (Dogan, 2011). From the utilitarian perspective, killing animal s is right since it benefits many people. The animal provides food products or clothing items that are vital for human enjoyment and survival.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on An Ethical Analysis of Animal Rights specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Animal rights activists are having a hard time convincing people to stop eating animals (Freeman, 2010). Aaltola (2011) admits that the animal industry is a substantial source of financial gain for the community. This financial gain benefits millions of people ranging from the farmers who take care of the animals to the businesspeople who trade in animal products. From the utilitarian perspective, human beings have a right to thrive and prosper. This cannot happen without treating animals as lesser creatures since human thriving depends on utilization of animals. Wesley (2013) forcefully asserts that â€Å"animal rights are a serious threat to human well-being†(p.6). For example, killing animals for food or clothing remains inextricably bound with human thriving. Without animals to provide meat and other products, human beings would not enjoy the balanced diet necessary for their growth and development. Animals play a significant part in medical and scientific development. They are used for testing to provide a better understanding of illnesses and their corresponding treatments before the drugs can be administered to humans. Researchers insist that using animals in medical testing is necessary for medical advancement to be made (Marna, 2009). Virtue ethics theory also supports the denial of some rights to animals. According to this theory, the ethical action is one that is done with good motives or without vicious motives. The character of the agent who carries out the action is analyzed to assess the ethical nature of the action taken. Rainer and Tibor (2012) document that it is the obligation of human beings or their agents of their governments to prevent the violation of the rights of those living under their jurisdiction. The virtuous action might therefore require the extermination of animals that pose a threat to human existence. The ethical action is the one that results in the positive actions for the parties involved. A denial of animal rights and liberty often leads to better outcomes for the animals. Cochrane (2009) argues that freedom is only intrinsically good for animals that are able to choose and reflect upon a particular kind of life.Advertising Looking for term paper on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Upon this reflection, this group of animals can then choose on a particular kind of life or change their plans based on their reflections. For most human rights activists, practices such as keeping animals in zoos or using them in circuses is analogous to human slavery and should therefore be abolished (Cochrane, 2009). However, research indicates that animals have higher chances of survival under captivity. Rudy (2013) confirms that freedom is an elusive concept for animals and for humans since many animals appear to fare better in captivity than they would in the wild. This fact seems to negate the position that it would be ethical to let animals enjoy their freedom and autonomy since such action would be detrimental to the welfare of the animal. In spite of viewing humans as superior to animals, human exceptionalism does not allow for animals to be treated cruelly for no apparent reason. Governments and animal welfare organizations insist that domesticated animals should be treat ed well by farmers (Phillips, et al., 2010). To address the challenges that arise from experimenting with animals, there are Animal Welfare laws in place (Rollin, 2012). These laws ensure that animals are not forced to endure unjustifiable gruesome horrors. Animal Rights Advocacy The notion of animal rights stems from the belief that animals have valid claims to existence, which might be translated into actual rights. Dogan (2011) asserts that animals have â€Å"a right to life, to liberty, to subsistence, to relief from suffering, and to security against attacks on their physical existence†(p.473). Animal rights advocates state that the interests of animals are of vital importance to them and they should not be limited by human beings. Herzog, Dinoff and Page (1997) observe that the animal rights perspective involves a fundamental shift in world-view. Human beings are brought up knowing that they have a higher moral status and intelligence than animals. Animal activism requ ires the person to concede that animals have rights and a moral status similar to that of humans. Boddice (2011) observes that the notions of rights, suffering, personhood, and citizenship are particular to human beings and might not be transferable to animals. A strong case of animal rights is made by the philosopher Professor Tom Regan. He argues that animals have rights based on the moral obligation of human beings not to inflict unnecessary suffering and death upon animals. Traditionally, there is a strong co-relation between the capacity for higher order thoughts and the possession of rights. Animal rights advocates declare that rights should not be dependent on the mental or cognitive capacities of creatures. Instead, each creature has inherent rights that should be respected by others. In spite of the insistence on a uniform view of all creatures, Herzog et al. (1997) reveal that animal rights activists demonstrate more concern for particular animals. This concern is sometime s guided by the mental capacities and perceived intelligences of different species. Animals that are perceived to have higher intelligence are given a higher moral status than those that have lower mental capacities. Kelly (2008) elaborates on the line-drawing by animal rights activists by noting that most of them argue that great apes deserve more rights than other animals because their interests are more similar to those of human beings. Animal rights proponents assert that the denial of animal rights has an adverse impact on human morality. While the rights of animals are disputed, there is general agreement that all human beings have certain rights. Human beings are required to act in a manner that does not violate the rights of others and any behavior that might encourage the violation of human rights is undesirable. Denial of human rights might lead to inhuman treatment of animals. One of the extreme expressions of this inhumanity is animal cruelty. This behavior not only affe cts that animal, which is the victim of the abuse, but also the person perpetrating the act. The effect of animal cruelty on individual morality is well established. Flynn (2001) documents that animal abuse is likely to lead to a distortion or inhibition of empathy and even make it easier for the person to disregard the lives of fellow human beings. Animal cruelty is therefore likely to lead to cruelty to human beings since it leads to a blunting of the conscience. Another argument made for animal rights is that animals, just like humans, have experiences and are subjects of lives. As such, they should be accorded respect treated like human beings in terms of being given rights. The reason for this is that animals share similarities with human beings and while differences do exist, we should focus on the similarities. Kelly (2008) elaborates that from this view, animals are regarded as having individuality, autonomy and even sovereignty. While this might be the case, animals differ significantly from human beings. Their experiences cannot be deemed similar to those of humans. In addition to this, animal rights advocates assert that animals should be entitled to certain rights since they are sentient, meaning that they have the capacity to experience pleasure and pain. The presence of sentience is used as the grounds for granting rights since ethical theories assert the undeniable badness of the phenomenology of pain (Hadley, 2013). However, this argument fails to consider the fact that animals do inflict pain on each other. This is especially the case when predators attack and kill their prey (Morrison, 2009). Rainer and Tibor (2012) states that protecting the rights of animals presents a dilemma since it might mean getting rid of the animals that prey upon others. However, this would violate the rights of the predator to live freely and obtain food. Discussion In spite of the varying viewing concerning the existence or lack of animal rights, opponents and pro ponents both agree that animals have value. However, this value is not equal due to the significant differences between humans and animals. Animal rights activists present human exceptionalism as a negative thing that should be done away with. They assert that human beings should be treat animals as equal and avoid violence towards them. Morrison (2009) reveals that the animal rights activists never argue against nonhuman animal predators. The predatorial behavior of animals against other animals is tolerated even though it inflicts harm to the prey. In addition to this, the advocacy for vegetarianism by animal rights advocates is detrimental to animals. Hudson (2011) demonstrates that vegetarianism is harmful to animals since it leads to displacement of animals from agricultural lands. Conclusion This paper set out to research the animal rights issue from an ethical perspective. It has shown that it is not practical to accept animals to the community of equals regardless of the hug e differences in cognitive skills between them and human beings. By using the human exceptional perspective, the paper has shown that various ethical values support the denial of animal rights. The paper has shown how giving animals’ equal rights to humans would substantially diminish the welfare and prosperity enjoyed by humanity. While calling for better treatment and care for animals is a human and noble endeavor, the idea of granting animals rights as if they were people is detrimental to human existence. Such a move would subvert human rights since it would undermine the ability of human beings to utilized animals for human well-being and prosperity. References Aaltola, E. (2011). The Philosophy behind the Movement: Animal Studies versus Animal Rights. Society Animals, 19 (1), 393-406 Beauchamp, T.L., Frey, R.G. (2011). The Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boddice, R. (2011). Anthropocentrism: Humans, Animals, Environments. NJ: Brill. Cochrane, (2009). Do Animals Have an Interest in Liberty? Political Studies, 57(3), 660-679. Dogan, A. (2011). A Defense of Animal Rights. J Agric Environ Ethics, 24(1), 473–491. Flynn, C.P. (2001). Acknowledging the Zoological Connection: A Sociological Analysis of Animal Cruelty. Society Animals, 9(1), 71-87. Freeman, C. (2010). Framing Animal Rights in the ‘Go Veg’ Campaigns of U.S. Animal Rights Organizations. Society Animals, 18(2), 163-182. Hadley, J. (2013). Liberty and Valuing Sentient Life. Ethics the Environment, 18(1), 87-103. Herzog, H., Dinoff, B., Page, J. (1997). Animal Rights Talk: Moral Debate over the Internet. Qualitative Sociology, 20(3), 399-418. Hudson, L. (2011). A Species of Thought: Bare Life and Animal Being. Antipode, 43(5), 1659-1678. Kelly, O. (2008). What Is Wrong with (Animal) Rights? Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 22(3), 214-224. Marna, O. (2009). Animal Rights: Noble Cause or Needless Effort? NY: Twenty-First Century Books , 2009. Morrison, A.R. (2009). An Odyssey with Animals: A Veterinarian’s Reflections on the Animal Rights Welfare Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Phelps, N. (2013). Changing the Game: Why the Battle for Animal Liberation Is So Hard and How We Can Win It. NY: Lantern Books. Phillips, J.C. et al. (2010). Activism and Trust: Animal Rights vs. Animal Welfare in the Food Supply Chain. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 41(1), 91-95. Rainer, R., Tibor, M. (2012). Innocent Threats and the Moral Problem of Carnivorous Animals. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 29 (2), 146-159. Rollin, B. (2012). The Moral Status of Invasive Animal Research. Hastings Center Report, 42 (1), 4-6. Rudy, K. (2013). Ethics and Animals: An Introduction. Ethics the Environment, 18(1), 125-135. Scott, D.W. (2010). Animals and Ethics. Retrieved from: https://www.iep.utm.edu/anim-eth/ Wesley, J.S. (2013). A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy: The Human Cost of the Animal Rights Movement. NY: Encounter Books. This term paper on An Ethical Analysis of Animal Rights was written and submitted by user Ben Reilly to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Victoria Ann Essays (628 words) - Fiction, Divergent Trilogy
Victoria Ann Essays (628 words) - Fiction, Divergent Trilogy Victoria Ann Mrs. Howard-Kongolo English 10 HN pd. 1 February 18 , 2016 1984 Standards Focus Draft George Orwell's 1984 occurs in an exceedingly restrained society in which the government uses a variety of technological and propagandist tools to monitor and manipulate its citizens. The book shows themes in the movie Divergent by the way the people of the society are obligated to listen to the government and anyone who opposes to do so are punished and killed. For example, Winston is constantly having illegal thoughts because he is one of the few that realizes the Party's abnormality whereas everyone else views it as a normal routine. In the movie , the society is divided up into factions and the government requires the people through a series of tests to see which faction their personalities match up with the best. Divergents are the rarest forms of people because their personalities contain the characteristics of all 5 factions. The government requires that everyone must belong to a certain faction so that they stay in their place and have no tho ughts of throwing hands. Contrarily, Divergents question the system in which the government rules by , resulting them to act upon rebellious thoughts. They don't like citizens doubting them because of the reason being that they're afraid of the idea that the people could overrule them. Winston, in this case, is Divergent because of the w ay he hates the Party and the rules he must follow. He knows that what the party is doing is wrong and is tired of having to constantly do as they say. In 1984, Winston finds Julia, a woman who turns into his lover as the book progresses. They both have a desire to rebel against the government because of the reason being that they both hate the Party. In the movie, the main character, Tris, discovers Tobias is also Divergent and fall in love. B oth Tris and Tobias fight against the government because they both know that the government is corrupt. The movie and the book are similar because of the way the government tries to get rid of anyone who clashes against their organization of ruling. The protagonists find themselves going against the government. For example, Tris finding out she belongs with the Divergents sets up on how the plot will play out as well as 1984. Also, the governments purpose of implementing these factions were told that they were for the citizens own good when in reality, it was set up for totalitarian rule. The authority tricked the people into thinking that they were on the citizen's side to lower any doubts or questions. They were secretive about getting rid of the rebels, such as Winston and Julia and the Divergents, because there was an increasing chance of the citizens seeing the bad things the government was putting people through and lead everyone else into rebellion. They were afraid of the idea that the people could understand what the Divergents were saying. Another similarity Divergent and 1984 had was that they both used the same type of tactic to torture the people . In 1984, Winston is tortured in Room 101 with a rat cage held to his face. "A sort of premonitory tremor, a fear of he was not certain what, he had passed through Winston as soon as he caught his first glimpse of the cage." (Orwell 253) The Party knew his biggest fear were rats so they used them to manipulate his thoughts about Big Brother . Similarly, in Divergent, the government tortures Tris by using her mother, overtaking her emotions and using the people she cherishes the most. They both tried to get the people to believe through fear and use what they love against them.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Globalisation - Essay Example The reason for this is based on the tremendous amount of positives that come hand in hand with the facets of globalization. Hence in order to fully understand the intricate details related with globalization, one must base a sound belief on the strengths related with production and marketing. Once again, it is important to touch upon the exact definition of globalization before moving ahead any further (Hersh 2000). I define globalization as â€Å"the cumulative basis of strengths, transferred from one world region to another, in a capacity that derives opportunities for all the major and minor stakeholders, time and time again.†When one tries to establish the exact basis of production and marketing globalization, the four significant drivers need to be understood in a proper fashion, as these form the core essence of globalization in the first place. These four drivers are the use of Information Technology, the Just in Time and Total Quality Management business processes to speed up work activities, the Sales Force Automation quarters, and lastly the Outsourcing mechanisms which have had a huge say in building growth and development within the globalization auspices on a proactively consistent basis. The four drivers have played their essential roles within the acceleration processes of globalization in the last decade or so. This has happened with the influx of resources and budget more importantly. This has also happened because the top management domains within the organizations that have chosen globalization for their own selves, have understood that globalization indeed is a force to reckon with (Tayl or 2002). They have accepted the challenges thrown their way and have clearly realized the potential of globalization within the broader contexts. These four drivers are essentially the instigating mechanisms of change within the modern day organizations. Their roles have had a huge say in outlining the proper structure of the
Monday, February 3, 2020
To what extent dose the HR Business Partner value to the Organization Essay
To what extent dose the HR Business Partner value to the Organization - Essay Example The HR business partner model is a result of Ulrich’s HRM model that views HR as a strategic partner in business and share organisational vision and goals. In the present discourse HR business partner concept has been explored in detail in order to understand the extent of value this concept adds to an organisation’s growth and development. To achieve this, theoretical base of HR business partner concept needs to be traced so that the pattern of its development provides good reason to understand the importance and value that HR business partners carry. Further, contribution that HR business partners make in various organisational functions/activities provide an understanding of their roles. Organisational functions such as strategic management and planning, performance management, human resource management, organisational design, culture and communication are various spheres where HR business partners’ influence can be felt. Issues and concerns faced by HR busine ss partners’ would further help in assessing their value add in organisation. Many examples from literature and research provide ample data and facts related to effectiveness of HR business partners as well as issues/concerns faced by HR and operations executives. Situations where HR business partners’ failed to create effective partnership are mentioned. Factors that impact HR business partnership such as relationship, communication, HR competencies, cultural influence, leadership etc have been judged in order to understand how HR business partner model can be made more effective in achieving desired organisational and HR objectives. Finally, conclusions and probable recommendations based on various aspects explored in this discourse have been outlined. Theoretical bases for HRBP concept: Human resource professionals as business partners that provided the backbone for organisational performance was first emphasized by Dave Ulrich (Boroughs, Hunter & Palmer, 2008). Ulr ich’s foundation to HR model was based on his statement, â€Å"HR should be defined not by what it does but by what it delivers – the results that enrich the organisation’s value to customers, investors, and employees†(1998; p.29). Based on this, Ulrich proposed four key roles for HR professionals, namely, strategic partner, administrative expert, employee champion, and Change agent. Through each of these roles, Ulrich reinforced the significance of HR professionals in organisational performance. In fact, a variety of roles of HR have been proposed by different management specialists. Ulrich’s model provides a concise and consolidated framework for actual contribution that HR professionals can make to the growth, development and sustenance of an organisation in a systematic and understandable fashion. As strategic partners, HR professionals are actively involved in formulating plans and making decisions that are strategically inclined to the busin ess and/or operational activities. In fact, HR business partners have specific duties in each of the four roles specified in Ulrich’s model (Hunter, 2005). As strategic partners, HR professionals are involved in framing HR strategies in line with organisational goals and objectives; specific operational objectives are also considered while framing the strategies. Critiques, which include Ulrich also, have argued that the HR roles in this model literally mean HR functions, and not limited to specific roles. However, many
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Female Prison Inmates Health Evaluation
Female Prison Inmates Health Evaluation Charity Chin Yin Description of Target Population The target population being assessed is female prison inmates who are scheduled for release in three months. Prison is a place where people are being restricted to everything and where they lose their freedom, movement, and access to everything as a punishment. It is a place where people will go when they commit a crime. According to Bureau of Justice Statistic, in the year of 2015, there were 73,645 female inmates admissions in National Statistics in the United States, 4,675 in Federal prison, and 9,884 in the State prison of Texas (1). Statisticians, Geenfeld and Snell, from Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) mentioned that the majority of the females involved with the justice system are at least completed high school and graduates with an estimation of 60% of those on probation, 55% of those in local jails, 56% of those in State prisons, and 73% of those in Federal prison. In addition, 30%-40% of high school graduates have attended some college or more (2). A key informant. Steve Talbert, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Sex Offender Treatment Provider in Lubbocks juvenile, mentioned that the juvenile offenders in Lubbock county are mostly from the age of 20 to 28 (3). However, based on the BJS Statisticians for females who are in both State and Federal prisons, is it estimated that 1 in 5 women on probation or in local jails are under age 25; 1 in 8 State prisoners and 1 in 11 Federal prisoners are of age 25. Furthermore, nearly a quarter of Federal prison inmates are at least 45 years old (2). According to the percentages on specific ethnicities, Blacks and Hispanics were imprisoned at higher rates than Whites in all age groups. About two-thirds of women under the probation are white and nearly two-thirds of those confined in local jails and State and Federal prisons are the minority Black/African, Hispanic, and other races. Hispanics account for about 1 in 7 women in State prisons but nearly 1 in 3 female prisoners in Federal custody (2). D uring the research, it was hard getting the latest result; however, during the year 2007, there were 60% of the women prisoners were not employed full time when they were arrested, and 37% had incomes under $600 in the month leading up on their arrest, and nearly one-third (30%) of women were receiving welfare benefits prior to their arrest (4). Assessment of Nutritional Needs According to Steve Talbert, the key informant, he mentioned that the inmates do not have access to nutritious food items, all they have are mainly canned vegetables and under-cooked chicken, even so they only have 15min-30min of meals time (3). The inmates have to eat while they walk so that they manage to finish their meals on time (3), thus having poor nutritional status and poor health when compared to the general population (5). According to some studies, The United States prison inmates shows poor intake of vitamin D (5), because they are confined in their cells most of the time. Due to the lack of vitamin D, it links the inmates to other health problems such as poor skeletal health, lower muscle strength, low bone mineral density, osteoporosis, and fracture (5). Inmates have a very strict and limited time; therefore, they do not have much physical activity which causes chronic diseases. Based on Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2011-2012, half of state and federal prisoners and local jail inmates reported having a chronic condition (including cancer, high blood pressure, stroke-related problems, diabetes, heart-related problems, kidney-related problems, arthritis, asthma, and cirrhosis of the liver) among all the prisoners, however females were more likely than males to report ever having a chronic condition (6). Majority of the prisoners (74%) and jail inmates (62%) were overweight, obese, or morbidity obese (6). In addition, it is also known that the health of the inmates deteriorated along with the length of stay in jail. The author from Medical Daily mentioned that the meals in prisons contains very little nutrition, low cost, and taste badly (7). Prison systems have a lengthy history of poor food quality as 95% of uneaten food is not thrown out, but rather frozen and reserved up to seven days after it was first distributed to the inmates; meals lack basic dietary necessities, and fruits and vegetables are absent from inmate trays otherwise asked for due to budget cuts (7). The prisoners diets are lacking of macronutrient, micronutrient, and the basic daily requirements. According to Medical Daily, the reporters analysis of the menu from the prison concludes that the prisoners are missing of leafy greens, fiber, whole grains, heart-healthy fats, and other viral nutrient (7). Instead of three meals a day, only two were served with about 10 to 14 hours apart (8). The inmates have do not have a choice to choose the food they want and in order to stay full throughout day, they have to eat whatever that is being served to prevent hunger. Many inmates reported that they could not sustain and ended up eating toothpaste, toilet paper, licking syrup packets and drinking excessive amounts of water to combat their hunger. Some even claim that the portions they received are not even enough to fill a five-year-old child (8). However, in Texas law, it is required for inmates to be fed three times in 24 hours but it only applies to county jail inmates and not state prisoners; however, it does not mandate that prisons offer inmates three meals a day (8). Implications for Nutrition Education A vast majority of female prisoners have the thought of whether they will have enough food for themselves or for their families due to their incarceration. Half of them were incarnated most of their life and did not know what had happened outside those walls, so they might not know how to shop and where to get food, lack the skills to cook a meal, and do not know anything about food assistance programs. They were so used to having people to cook for them and because of restricted time they were not able to have much physical activity. The usage of literacy sources such as nutritional pamphlets and recipes could enable the prisoners to cultivate a healthy diet with regular physical activities. preventing them from any nutrition-related chronic disease and help them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Implementing and developing intervention that focuses on skill building and developing healthy lifestyle that incorporate good nutritional practices and physical activity (9). Imple menting education program on portion sizes and calorie estimation, healthy food purchasing with budget, cooking classes and even food sanitation classes, as well as focusing on healthy eating with a balance diet helps decrease the risk of chronic disease In summary, a curriculum for this target population should include lessons on nutrition and childhood nutrition (portion sizes, nutritional balance and choice of food), skill in relation to cooking, budgeting, purchasing, and preparing (safe food handling practices and procedures), and also physical activity habits. Available Program There are several federal aid programs that distribute in Lubbock Texas that are eligible for women. These are the few programs that can provides and assists those who are struggling at no cost. One of the program is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that is available to female adults who struggles to buy food. This program is eligible for those who meet the requirements based on household size, income, assets, housing costs, work requirements, which is mainly for low-income individual and families (10). The purpose of this program is to improve the low-income households by increasing access to food or food-purchasing ability (10). This program can apply through the USDA official website which is https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap (11) or https://www.yourtexasbenefits.com/Learn/Home (12) for the state of Texas, and even locally at Lubbock South Plains Food Bank by contacting them at (806)-686-1317 or https://www.spfb.org/welcom e_to_snap (13). Another program is Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). If a woman is pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum with infants or with children under the age of five, assessed by qualified health professional that they are nutritionally at risk, and meet the income standard at or below 185% of the poverty guidelines, then she is eligible to participate in the WIC program. The purposes of this program are to provides nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, nutrition education and counseling, screening or referrals to other health care, welfare, and social services to those who got accepted (10). This program is available nationwide, statewide, and locally. There are four locations in Lubbock, women can find out more about this program by contacting the local office at (806)-907-0080 (14). If more information about local food stamps is needed, Lubbock Health and Human Services Office is available at (806)-744-7632 (15). References Carson, E. Ann. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Number of admissions of sentences female inmates to state or federal prison, 1978-2015). National Prisoner Statistics Program. Website. Available at www.bjs.gov. Accessed February 27, 2017. Greenfeld, A. Lawrence and Snell, L. Tracy. Women Offenders. Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report. U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. Revised 10/3/2000. Pp. 14. Website. Available at https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/wo.pdf. Published December 1999. Accessed February 28, 2017. Key Informant, Steve Talbert, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Sex Offender Treatment Provider (LSOTP). Interviewed on February 24, 2017.Telephone: (806)-577-7924. Interviewed on February 24, 2017. The Sentencing Project, Research and Advocacy for Reform. Women in the Criminal Justice System, pp. 3. Website. Available at http://www.sentencingproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Women-in-the-Criminal-Justice-System-Briefing-Sheets.pdf. Published May 2007. Accessed February 27, 2017. Benjamin Udoka Nwosu, Louise Maranda, Rosalie Berry, Barbara Colocino, Carlos D. Flores Sr., Kerry Folkman, Thomas Groblewski, and Patricia Ruze. The Vitamin D Status of Prison Inmates. Website. Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3944727/. Published: March 5, 2014. Accessed February 27, 2017. Laura M. Maruschak, BJS Statistician, Marcus Berzofsky, Dr.P.H., and Jennifer Unangst, RTI International. Medical Problems of State and Federal Prisoners and Jail Inmates, 2011-12. U.S Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, and Bureau of Justice Statistics. Revised October 4, 2016. Website. Available at https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/mpsfpji1112.pdf. Published: February 2015. Accessed February 28, 2017. Samantha Olson. Medical Daily. Aug 27, 2015. Website. Available at http://www.medicaldaily.com/1-week-prison-food-diet-reveals-problems-inmate-meals-low-cost-bad-taste-and-349572. Accessed February 28, 2017. Alysia Santo and Lisa Iaboni. Whats in a Prison Meals? The Marshall Project. July 7, 2015. Website. Available at https://www.themarshallproject.org/2015/07/07/what-s-in-a-prison-meal#.PCevh6rcc. Accessed February 28, 2017. Jennifer Decker and Jigna Dharod. Nutrition Education Needs of Women Being Released from Prison. Maine Nutrition Network, USM. USDA, Food Stamp Nutrition Education, 2006. Website. Available at https://snaped.fns.usda.gov/snap/resourcefinder/WomenReleasedFromPrison.pdf. Accessed March 1, 2017. Boyle Marie A. Community Nutrition in Action: An Entrepreneurial Approach 7th ed. Boston, MA; pp 389-393. Textbook. Published 2016. Accessed March 1, 2017. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Available at https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap. Published January 30, 2017. Accessed March 1, 2017. Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Your Texas Benefits. Available at: https://www.yourtexasbenefits.com/Learn/Home. Accessed March 1, 2017. South Plains Food Bank. Welcome to Snap. Available at: https://www.spfb.org/welcome_to_snap. Accessed March 1, 2017. Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas WIC. Available at: http://texaswic.dshs.state.tx.us/wiclessons/english/zipcodelocator/. Accessed March 1, 2017. Food Stamps Offices: Nationwide Office Search. Lubbock Health and Human Services Office. Available at: http://www.foodstampsoffices.com/lubbock-tx/. Accessed March 1, 2017
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Krushers Kfc
[pic] Report Title: â€Å"Krushers†– Marketing Strategic plan Submitted By: Group name: Date: 15 April, 2010 Submitted To: Dr Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business and Management, University of Wollongong in Dubai Table of Contents 1. Background3 1. 1. Introduction and Objective3 1. 2. Situational Analysis3 1. 3. Constraints and Assumption. 5 1. 4. Product Need and Value. 7 2. Segmentation, Target & Positioning8 2. 1. Segmentation and Target8 2. 2. Positioning Map9 3. Marketing Mix10 3. 1. Product strategy10 3. . Pricing strategy10 3. 3. Place strategy11 3. 4. Promotion strategy12 4. Business Plan12 4. 1. Sales and Profits12 Bibliography13 Appendix14 Background 1 Introduction and Objective Introduction: KFC Corporation, also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a chain of fast food restaurants known all over the World since 1952, however the history of the company goes back to 1930. â€Å"KFC†is serving more than 12 million cust omers in 109 countries throughout the world every day. Company is actively franchising across the World during 58 years[1]. Loyal customers can find their favorite restaurant in almost every developed country across the Globe. â€Å"KFC†established strong position in the market place and recognized by millions of people in the World for its â€Å"finger lickin’ good†chicken. â€Å"KFC†is serving more than 12 million customers in 109 countries throughout the world every day. Currently, The Company is the most popular chicken restaurant chain in the entire Globe. This particular report is focusing on KFC Arabia, United Arab Emirates in particular. KFC restaurants introduced to the Middle East region by franchise partner Americana since 1973. Currently, there are KFC branches in over 70 different locations across United Arab Emirates. Menu offered to the Arab World is more focused on chicken sandwiches and Colonel’s Crispy Strips, and also includes side items that are suited to local preferences and tastes. [2] Product Portfolio: The fact that, â€Å"KFC†restaurants are associated by the customers with chicken, does not limit the range of products has been offered to the customers. Currently, more than 300 different types of products have been introduced by the company all over the World. World Famous menu contains of chicken pieces, salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, wraps, kebabs, snacks, sweets and sides, beverages. â€Å"KFC†Corporation constantly upgrades its menu with new innovative products in order to satisfy unmet needs of their current and future customers. KFC is introducing a new product called â€Å"Krushers†to the region; a new refreshing frozen drink. This new refreshing frozen drink first was introduced in 3 different flavors â€Å"Strawberry†, â€Å"Chocolate Krumble†, â€Å"Kookies N Kream†, followed by â€Å"Karamel Krunch†flavor that has been introduced later on in the Middle East. Objective: The objective of this report is to create strategic marketing plan for â€Å"Krushers†product and successfully launch it in the UAE. 2 Situational Analysis External environmental analysis: PESTEL Environmental (competitors): â€Å"Krushers†is introduced in a very competitive environment. There are several direct competitors in this product category, the biggest ones are MC flurry from MC Donald’s and Hand-Scooped shake from Hardees’s, these are traditional competitors for KFC in the fast-food segment and have similar products to the â€Å"Krushers†. Other competitors in this product category include Baskin Robins, StarBucks and Jonny Rockets as they offer frozen drinks as part of their product portfolio. Indirect competitors include Lipton’s Ice tea and Pulp Juice bar’s frozen drinks, they are considered as indirect competitors because they offer product replacements or substitutes to the â€Å"Krushers†. Sociological: The UAE population has higher levels of disposable income compared to the rest of the world, according to HSBC bank study, UAE is the fifth top country in the World in terms of disposable income. 3] As a result, eating out is almost a daily activity in the social life of UAE residents, which in turn produces a bigger market for restaurants and food outlets. In addition to that, In terms of age groups, the UAE has a dominant young population, with the 25-29 years emerging as the largest group of about 777,000 at the end of 2008. It is projected by the Ministry to peak at 830,000 at the end of 2 009. [4] This combination of high disposable income and young population makes the UAE a perfect market for KFC â€Å"Krushers†product which targets age group of 18-24. Technological: From a technological point of view, production of cold beverages relies heavily on the right equipment. KFC has state of the art production equipment. The company also utilizes advanced CRM solutions to gear its direct marketing efforts. Economic: â€Å"In the UAE over two-thirds of expats in the UAE stated that their attitudes to spending had changed as a result of the economic crisis, however over three-quarters of expats (82%) living in the UAE also said that they had not considered a move home. [5] Having said that, the UAE remains one of the strongest economies in the region (third in the region after Saudi Arabia and Iran). [6] As mentioned earlier, the disposable income in the UAE is cooperatively high, which makes it an ideal market for KFC and the new product â€Å"Krushers†. Industry Analysis: Porter’s Five Forces Market Rivalry: â€Å"Krushers†is a product category that faces high rivalry from various direct and indirect competitors. T hese competitors do not only include fast food chain restaurants with a similar product category, but also chains that focus exclusively on that market niche (frozen shakes and drinks). The fact that â€Å"Krushers†is a hybrid or mix of different products (i. e. ice cream, milk, smoothie, ice, fruits, juice, cookies, etc) makes it difficult to place it in a specific product category and thus exposes it to higher competition from those various product categories. In addition, competing products have been established in the market and have a healthy market share. It would be a challenge for KFC to strongly compete in this product category, partly because the product is new and partly because they are not strongly associated with frozen drinks like â€Å"Krushers†. Bargaining power of suppliers: KFC is one of the largest purchasers globally; all their suppliers go through a very rigid screening process to meet their quality standards. Having said that, KFC only uses high quality suppliers with which they have strong relationships, therefore, the threat of suppliers is minimized. Threat of Substitutes: â€Å"Krushers†falls into the frozen drinks category, due to this point, it faces a high threat of substitution from a number of relevant product categories including carbonated drinks, milk shakes, ice cream, ice tea, ice coffee, frapuccinos, fresh juice and smoothies. In order to offset this threat, KFC has to rely strongly on their established brand image and large customers base to market and sell the product. Bargaining power of buyers: As it mentioned earlier, the target segment(s) (18-24) are high in population, however, there is a large number of product substitutes available to them. Therefore, they enjoy a fairly high power of bargaining. Barriers to entry: The barriers to entry to this specific product market are relatively low. The investment needed is not very high and the health regulations can be met with reasonable effort. However, due to the size and the number of KFC branches across the UAE, it would be very difficult for new players to significantly compete with KFC’s market share unless they make significant financial investments, thus reversing the barriers to entry to very high. 3 Constraints and Assumption. Constraints: There are several constraints that KFC face in the introduction level of a new product â€Å"Krushers†. Customers are not aware of a new product that has been introduced by KFC. Lack of awareness can be explained by poor promotion and advertising, training of the employees. â€Å"Krushers†should be prepared within 1 minute, however, according to the survey, almost 95 percent of the consumers received their â€Å"Krushers†during the time frame 3 minutes to 6 minutes. [7] KFC is known all over the World for its â€Å"finger lickin good†chicken, it would be difficult for consumers to associate KFC as a place where they can purchase â€Å"Krushers†. The company didn’t define the product for the customers whether it is a milk shake or it is a desert, etc. However official launch of the product might solve these constrains. Assumptions: KFC does not publish any sales figures as a reference point; therefore the sales forecasts are based on an assumption that each branch will be able to sell 5 â€Å"Krushers†per hour on an average from their branch traffic. Assuming that branches operate from 10 a. m. to 3 a. m. that makes a total of 17 working hours a day. According to data published on the Americana website, they have 70 locations across the UAE, which equals total working hours of 1,190 per day (17X70). Assuming that the price of â€Å"Krushers†is at 9 drh per drink without a meal, and 4 dhs per a drink with a meal and based on the research conducted with consumers, 25 percent of the consumers will buy a â€Å"Krushers†with a meal and 75 percent of the consumers will buy it without the meal. [8] Based on these assumptions, we can conclude the following: Total number of â€Å"Krushers†sold per a day = total working hours X number of â€Å"Krushers†sold per hour = 1,190 X 5 = 5,950 â€Å"Krushers†per day across all locations. Therefore, total revenues per day would be calculated as following: Revenue of â€Å"Krushers†sold with a meal = (5,950 X 25%) X 4 = 5,950 dirham Revenue of â€Å"Krushers†sold without a meal = ( 5950 X 75% ) X 9 = 40,162dirham Total revenue of â€Å"Krushers†per day = revenue with meal + revenue without meal= 5,950 + 40,162 = 46,112 Monthly Total revenue of â€Å"Krushers†= total revenue per day X 30 days = 46112 X 30 = 1,383,375 dirham Annual revenue of â€Å"Krushers†= monthly revenue X 12 = 1,383,375 X 12 = 16,600,500 dirham Since KFC spends 6% of the total revenue on marketing and promotion, we can estimate the annual marketing budget for â€Å"Krushers†at annual revenue of â€Å"Krushers†X 6% = 16,600,500 X 6% = 996,030 dirham Due to the lack of information on variable or direct costs, we will limit our forecasts to only revenues. However there is more accurate way to estimate net profit of the company from â€Å"Krushers †. Target segment that has been chosen by the company is the youth in the age range 18-24 of UAE, which has been estimated to 1,417,300 people. It has been assumed that 60 percent of the total youth in the age range 18-24 would be a potential target of the â€Å"Krushers†, according to the chosen target segment â€Å"UAE explorers†, which is 850,400 people. [9] Penetration has been assumed according to seasonal demand, such as hot summer weather effect. Shopping festival was another reason to estimate increase in penetration in the month of December, and there is other reasons that has an effect on penetration percentages across the year, which is explained in the business plan section 4. 1 of the report. Revenue has been calculated according to the total users that would purchase the â€Å"Krushers†and the selling price. Expenses that would go on the marketing part of the â€Å"Krushers†have been assumed by the group and calculated in the business plan section 4. 1. Expenses have been estimated according to: Magazine = 150,000 dirham Newspaper = 168,000 dirham Facebook = 20,000 dirham In house AD: 30,000 dirham TV = 600,000 dirham Road signage = 200,000 dirham Billboard = 300,000 dirham Campaign = 50,000 dirham 4 Product Need and Value. |KFC’s value characteristics |Consumers need analysis | |KFC is a well known brand as a value for money all around the |Consumers would search for a reliable drink with no risk to | |world. |their health. |KFC has large number of branches, as well as big variety of |People living in gulf countries such as UAE would always search| |items, all delivered in a timely fashion, all of these give |for a drink which refreshes their feeling. | |high value of convenience. |Consumers would go for a product which is faster to be | | |delivered to them and easier t o carry with them while doing | | |their normal routines during the day. | | |Actually people are always after new things in their life. | |Those things could be a new product like â€Å"Krushers†or even its| | |new flavors to be introduced to the market in future. | | |There many other important factor in the consumers mind to be | | |considered as their needs of product such as pricing, great | | |taste and optional choice. | â€Å"Krushers†value analysis based on the mentioned needs above: †¢ â€Å"Krushers†is introduced as a smoothie drink that doesn’t have negative effect or risk on consumer’s health. It supposed being a drink to be alternative to those of energy drinks fulfilled of caffeine. â€Å"Krushers†came up with different flavors for variety seekers and those valuing a product based on optional choice. †¢ Offering â€Å"Krushers†as a value-added to meal as of satisfying perception of value for money p romised by KFC. They offer customers to add 4dhs to their meal and have â€Å"Krushers†with their meal in spite of soft drink or juice. †¢ Soon enough â€Å"Krushers†could be a replacement for cold drink at KFC by offering less than half the price if it is with any KFC meal. †¢ †¢ As of the discussed need of customer relating the weather of UAE then â€Å"Krushers†could be the best solution for relieving the thirst and the heat. Segmentation, Target & Positioning 1 Segmentation and Target Segment 1 â€Å"Academia’s†University students actively socialize in groups for many reasons, be it for regular chat ups between classes, for examinations studying or even group assignments etc. Therefore as the above points display that a â€Å"Krushers†will fit in perfectly with all three areas of a university student. Students usually have a red bull or a coffee or a milk shake etc with them while working on assignments with a group or while studying in order to keep them going. It’s become more like habit to do so. This is where we feel a â€Å"Krushers†can come in to play as it is a thick ice cream based shake with different flavors that will be able to fulfill a student’s need and want in terms of a having a drink that goes with what they do. Segment 2 â€Å"Beach & Shopping mall goers†(Fun) For this group what we really mean is the lifestyle of having fun and constantly active. We used the beach and shopping mall as examples of places where those who are in constant search of fun and activity can have a â€Å"Krushers†. The reason we used the beach and shopping mall as examples is due to the fact that a â€Å"Krushers†can be consumed in both situations / locations where on the beach it can be used as a refreshing cold drink to keep cool under the sun where as in the same time people don’t usually take food with them to the beach as it spoils under the sun and so having a â€Å"Krushers†on the beach is like a two in one feeling as it has real bits in some of its drinks like â€Å"kookies n kream†. Where as in the mall those shopping around can have a â€Å"Krushers†as a drink to walk around with while shopping or/and even as a drink to just and relax with while taking a break or even while meeting friends for a â€Å"coffee†. Segment 3 â€Å"UAE Explorers†This is a group of people who are constantly out and about but don’t really engage in activity. They just simply roam around places such as the mall or the JBR walk etc. by just watching other people or ‘window shopping’ or even simply go for drives around the city in search of something to do. Basically they don’t have anything to do and just want to keep themselves busy. Generally they do this in groups of two or more. The reason why have inserted such a lifestyle in our segment is because a thick shake like â€Å"Krushers†can be very appealing to them in terms of keeping them busy with a drink in their hand. Not only do they have a choice from a variety of flavors but the fact that it takes only a minute to prepare the drink of their choice , thus allowing them to think â€Å"its quick, ill stop and get one on the way†. There is a KFC available in almost if not every mall in Dubai, as well as on popular roads such as the Jumeirah beach road where a drive through option is available. Target Segment & Justification (U. A. E Explorers) †¢ †¢ According to feedback, most people would consume a Krushers ‘on the move’. †¢ They look at it more of a milkshake like drink with pieces in it than anything else. Krushers drink does not fit in with the food served at KFC, and therefore existing KFC customers will not have one at a dine in time especially considering the y don’t see it as a desert either. †¢ Sports people have energy bars and drinks to consume. †¢ University students opt for a red bull or coffee based drink to keep them up and alert. †¢ The ‘fun’ group of people would not really consider having a Krushers as it is not suitable for them. They would not meet for a ‘coffee’ in KFC nor would they buy a Krushers and sit on a bench for a chat. †¢ Therefore the best group and lifestyle is that of a UAE â€Å"Explorer†as on a drive they can go to a KFC drive through almost anywhere in Dubai, Krushers is available at almost every mall in Dubai and at the famous JBR walk too. A Krushers fits in well with a UAE Explorers activities as it is packaged in a way that can be taken in almost any environment and placed almost anywhere easily without risk of leak or spilling over etc. 2 Positioning Map â€Å"Krushers†is perceived as a refreshing shake that you can have between your m ain meals. It can satisfy both thirst and hungers basic needs of a person. There are two main benefits which â€Å"Krushers†has over its competitors in relation to the target segment, such as Brand Image and Store Location K FC’s brand image in the UAE is stronger than that of McDonalds and Hardees. Therefore having a strong brand image is advantageous to the consumer in terms of trusting to try a new product and actually consuming it. Store location is a big factor to the target segment as KFC’s stores are more convenient in terms of reach and comfort. Basically this is because KFC is available at all leading malls in the UAE, but so are its competitors McDonalds and Hardees but what makes the difference here are famous roads and hang out spots such as JBR where there is a KFC restaurant but no McDonalds or Hardees. Not only that, in one of the most famous areas for food in Dubai, the Diyafah area there is no McDonalds yet there is a KFC restaurant there too. There is no McDonalds or Hardees in the Knowledge village area or the AUS (American University in Sharjah) food court but there is a KFC. UAE Explorers are on the go and so with KFC restaurants being on their ‘way’ (drive thru) Jumeirah Beach Road, which is one of the most famous cruising streets a â€Å"Krushers†will be just the thing they will go after as it keeps them busy through their drive or walk at JBR etc. Marketing Mix 1 Product strategy â€Å"Krushers†is a sub product that has been represented by KFC. Introduction of this product increases variety of the product line available in KFC Corporation. â€Å"Krushers†has been introduced in order to bring customers throughout the day. The drink is available in 4 different flavors in the region. â€Å"Strawberry†, â€Å"Chocolate Krumble†, â€Å"Caramel Krunch†, â€Å"Kookies N Kream†are the types of flavors that has been introduced by KFC. According to the survey, customers identified two most popular flavors which are â€Å"Kookies N Kream†and â€Å"Chocolate Krumble†. Currently it is represented in 1 size. It is advisable to add more size options to suit different needs of the consumers. KFC offers â€Å"Krsuhers†as a value-added to a meal by just adding 4Dhs by customer to their meals which is less than the real price of â€Å"Krushers†purchased separately. The promise of great and natural taste is given by KFC through their advertising slogan by saying â€Å"full of real bitZ†. This slogan says that â€Å"Krushers†contains real pieces of fruits and chocolates in it. Thus one of the other augmented products of â€Å"Krushers†is the stated promise. 2 Pricing strategy One of the most important factors that must be considered carefully by companies is appropriate price strategy. â€Å"Krushers†is a new product, due to this point it is recommended to follow penetration strategy while pricing process. However it must be based on â€Å"Krushers†demand, as the demand are more for â€Å"Krushers†it is more obvious that penetration might be superior strategy to follow. Beside they also can gain some market share in marketplace however the supplier of â€Å"Krushers†must be assure when they imply this strategy for their product , they are capable to handle demanders and distribution channels . After all consideration about KFC â€Å"Krushers†, it is better off if they follow penetration strategy. According to the survey, 23 percent of the respondents were dissatisfied, 40 percent were neutral, which makes it total of 63 percent of the respondents (which is more than a half), that were not satisfied with the current price choices. Cutomers are unhappy which means the price does not affect their objectives toward purchasing products. [10] Normally the fixed cost for supplier is 60% of variable cost of products, Krusher is 9 Dhs, 60 % of variable cost would be 5. 4 Dhs which is the fixed cost and the profit approximately might be 3. 6 Dhs on each â€Å"Krushers†. According to the interview made with one of the KFC stuff, assumptions were made as followed: Integrant of â€Å"Krushers†for each cup: 60 % of each cup contains ice cream (2Dhs for each cup) Because they purchase the ice creams in retail, it costs less than an ice cream that is selling in stores). 0 % Slash (blended water and sugar), (30 fils for each cup) Flavor (1 ounce), with consideration that the ba ttle is 30 Dhs but for each cup they use just one ounce), (Around 30 fels). These amounts of materials imply for the entire available flavor. All the calculation is Close to 3 Dhs and approximately 1Dhs or less for packaging; in overall it cost 4 or 5 Dhs for company. Option Price: There is just one size of krusher available in all of the outlets; however option price are as below: †¢ 9 Dhs for any flavor in regular cup size †¢ 5 Dhs for having a Krusher with the meal. 3 Place strategy KFC Corporation uses one channel distribution across the World, which is their network of restaurant outlets or branches. Krushers†are sold directly to the customers without having any middlemen. KFC branches are available almost in every neighborhood across the country. Restaurants spread out across 70 different locations in United Arab Emirates. Examples would be: †¢ Shopping mall food courts(Dubai Mall, City Centre) †¢ Close to schools and universities(knowledge village) †¢ Petrol stations (Emirates Petrol station) †¢ Office buildings (Sheikh Zayed Road) †¢ High traffic roads like (The Walk in Dubai)[11] Customers can dine in the branches of KFC that accommodate dining areas, as well as choose take-away option and consume their â€Å"Krushers†outside in any other location they would prefer to have it. In the Introduction stage of the â€Å"Krushers†Corporation did not represent delivery service for the product; these might be due to ice ingredients in it. Before opening any store KFC conduct market research to estimate and consider the population of that area, consumer’s demographic details and major streets which are close to that specific location. It is worth mentioning that the †Krushers†is not part of the home delivery service due to the physical nature of the product (is it cold and can melt). 4 Promotion strategy In promotion strategy there are some factors that can be used to promote the products base on MARCOM mix that is used for KFC â€Å"Krushers†promotional strategy. Direct marketing: As a direct marketing, KFC departments can hire some people mostly young girls and boys to promote the â€Å"Krushers†in a very small cup to let the volunteers just taste it and promoters can encourage and motivate the volunteers to go for the bigger â€Å"Krushers†, and the best place for this sort of promotion is in the malls, at the foot court entrance. Sales promotion: KFC already gives the customer this chance that if they want â€Å"Krushers†with their meal the price will be reduced for them to 4 Dhs, which the price is 9 Dhs regularly. While the loyal customers buy a combo from KFC outlet , as a promotion they can give the customers coupons with four blank checklist , that if they buy KFC combo meal for four times as a promotion they can get one free â€Å"Kruchers†with their flavor choice. Generally it can be profitable for Kentucky chicken part sales and for â€Å"Krushers†, and also that would lead to better result for KFC and keep the customer loyal to the brand. Advertising: Coupons are Another tools in sale promotion, KFC can sign contract with well known and famous companies or organization which stated whenever they have customer who purchase something from the companies or organization, they give the customers KFC voucher, the vouchers are for specified items but this sort of promotion can bring the customer to the outlet to use their voucher and make them to try new or their favorite products that are available in outlets. It is very important to use online marketing today. Print advertising is another way to market the product. Sample has been developed by the group. There are twelve pieces of ice, with person inside each of it. There is one person standing in it and one of the piece contains Kentucky in four of the ices the â€Å"Krushers†flavors are representing and in the other ice pieces there are all the smiley faces that is representing the , iciness ,freezes , tastiness and freshness of the â€Å"Krushers†and The people in the ice are young and fresh people because it is related to our target segment which is the youth from age 18 – 24 who are the young generation whenever you look at the advertising it gives a positive , delight feeling about the product and the taste, the choice of putting people in the ice pieces is showing the coldness and freezing feeling that â€Å"Krushers†can give the customers. â€Å"Krushers†has been displayed in the official website, however social networks should be taken into consideration as well as the popular search engines etc. Also it is advisable to use media advertisement, such as radio, tv, etc. Also print advertising like ne wspapers magazines etc. Business Plan, 2010. 1 Sales and Profits |Jan |Feb |march |april |may |june |july |Aug |Sep |Oct |Nov |Dec | | |potential segment |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 |850 400 | | |heavy user |3% 5% |10% |13% |15% |30% |40% |50% |52% |55% |60% |65% | | | |25512 |42520 |85040 |110552 |127560 |255120 |340160 |425200 |442208 |467720 |510240 |552760 | | |moderate user |2% |4% |8% |10% |11% |25% |32% |40% |43% |46% |50% |57% | | | |17008 |34016 |68032 |85040 |93544 |212600 |272128 |340160 |365672 |391184 |425200 |484728 | | |Total user |42520 |76536 |153072 |195592 |221104 |467720 |612288 |765360 |807880 |858904 |935440 |1037488 | | |(SP=9) X 75%(users) |287010 |516618 |1033236 |1320246 |1492452 |3157110 |4132944 |5166180 |5453190 |5797602 |6314220 |7003044 | | |(SP=4) X 25%(users) |42520 |76536 |153072 |195592 |221104 |467720 |612288 |765360 |807880 |858904 |935440 |1037488 | | |total revenue |329530 | 593154 |1186308 |1515838 |1713556 |3624830 |4745232 |5931540 |6261070 |6656506 |7249660 |8040532 | | | expense: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |magazine | | | |150000 | |150000 | |150000 | |150000 | | | | |newspaper | |168000 | | |168000 | |168000 | |168000 | | |168000 | | |radio |135000 | |135000 | |135000 | |135000 |135000 | |135000 |135000 |135000 | | |facebook , |20000 | |20000 |20000 |20000 | | |20000 |20000 | |20000 | | | |In house Ad | | | |30000 |30000 | |30000 |30000 |30000 | |30000 | | | |Tv | |600000 | | |600000 | | | |600000 | |600000 | | | |road | | |200000 | |200000 | | |200000 | | |200000 | | | |billboards |300000 | | | | |300000 | | | | | |300000 | | |campaign | | | |50000 | |50000 | | | |50000 | |50000 | | |total |455000 |768000 |355000 |230000 |1153000 |500000 |333000 |535000 |818000 |335000 |985000 |653000 | | |profit/loss |-125470 |-174846 |831308 |1285838 |560556 |3124830 |4412232 |5396540 |5443070 |6321506 |6264660 |7387532 | | |total profit | | | | | | | | | | | | |40727756 | | Bibliography KFC official website, 2010, URL: [www. kfc. com], [last accessed April 6, 2010] KFC Locator, 2010, Americana group official website, URL: [ http://www. americana-group. net/Default. aspx? Id=1207 ], [last accessed April 7, 2010] KFC, 2010, Wikipedia, URL: [http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/KFC],[last accessed April 4, 2010] KFC Arabia official website, 2010, URL: [http://www. kfc-arabia. com/new_products. html#Krushers],[last accessed April 8, 2010] Annual report, 2008, Americana group, URL: [http://www. americana-group. net/Default. aspx? Id=1316], [last accessed April 14, 2010 ] Annual report, 2008, Yum, URL: [http://www. yum. com/annualreport/docs/annualReport08. pdf], [last accessed April 4, 2010 UAE population to exceed five million by year’s end, 2009, UAE Interact, URL:[ http://www. uaeinteract. com/docs/UAE_population_to_exceed_five_million_by_years_end_/37085. htm], [last accessed April14,2010] Appendix Graph 1. [pic] Graph 2. [pic] Graph 3: [pic] Graph 4: [pic] Based on: 1. Strongly dissatisfied 2. Dissatisfied 3. Neutral 4. Satisfied 5. Strongly satisfied â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] KFC corporate website (2010) 2] Americana group website (2010) [3] AMEinfo press release, June 24-2009. http://www. ameinfo. com/201597. html [4] Ministry of social affairs, annual statistic, 2008 [5] AMEinfo press release, June 24-2009. http://www. ameinfo. com/201597. html [6] Wikipedia, 20 10 [7] Appendix, Graph 1, page () [8] Appendix: Graph 2, page ( ) [9]URL:[http://www. uaeinteract. com/docs/UAE_population_to_exceed_five_million_by_years_end_/37085. htm] [10] Appendix, Graph 4, page () [11] Americana group website (2010) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ High Brand Image KFC Krushers McDonalds Shake High Store location convenience Low Store location convenience Hardees Shake Hardees Shake Low Brand Image
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